Black History Month Celebration

For February 20th’s Emerging FIlmmakers Project, we’ll welcome a guest host and celebrate the marginalized voice of African American filmmakers.

The Emerging Filmmakers Project (EFP) has been the home of Denver’s independent film scene since 2002, and in that time has screened over 1000 local films! Held the third Thursday of every month and hosted by local filmmakers, the EFP is a great place to screen your work, network with other creatives in town, and to support your fellow indie filmmakers.

Got a film you’d like to screen? Submit here:

The lineup will be posted shortly. Keep an eye on the Facebook event for updates!

EFP’s Black History Month celebration takes place February 20th at The Bug Theatre (3654 Navajo Street, Denver, CO 80232), at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $5 and includes free beer from our keg sponsor. To learn more visit the EFP website at and The Bug Theatre’s website at

The Bug Theatre and The Emerging Filmmakers Project are supported by the Scientific & Cultural Facilities District (SCFD), Plan 9 Studios, Twelve Monkeys Dancing Films, Nebulus Visions Multimedia, and cool cats everywhere.