Meet the Filmmaker: Leon Welling, “Man Gurgles Mouthwash (and Then Dies)”

Man Gurgles Mouthwash (and Then Dies) | Bungofilms.com

1275328_10201451346718587_63764989_oQ: Why did you become a filmmaker?
LW: To buy expensive pants!

Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
LW: Man Gurgles Mouthwash. No plans for it as yet

Q: What else are you working on?
LW: Completing post on a feature film and an animated music video

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
LW: They’re all just very complicated punchlines.

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
LW: Bungofilms.com

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?
LW: Always a good place to go for external stimuli regarding film.

Man Gurgles Mouthwash (and Then Dies) will screen October 16th at The Emerging Filmmakers Project.


Meet the Filmmaker: Mark Fukae, “The Unearthly Episode 1: Missing” (Part One)

The Unearthly Episode 1: Missing | http://theunearthlyseries.com

imageQ: Why did you become a filmmaker?
MF: I love telling stories! But I could never find the right vehicle to do it properly, until I saw my older brother shooting, editing and projecting his Super 8 comedy films at home. That and seeing Monty Python and the Holy Grail on the big screen. I was hooked! How did Terry Gilliam do that? It’s amazing how influenced a 7 year old can be to the gateway drug of film…

Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
MF: We are going to be seeing at the EFP, The Unearthly pilot titled “Missing”. This is a cosmic horror series, based upon the Cthulhu mythos of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. It has not screened elsewhere, other than directly on its website: http://theunearthlyseries.com

Q: What else are you working on?
MF: We are going to be starting another crowdfunding campaign for The Unearthly, due to the costs of the special effects animation for the alien creatures later in the season. In addition to the ongoing production and post production work on The Unearthly series, I am going into production in Colorado on a feature thriller titled Divergence. We start that in March and am writing two other feature projects to develop.

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
MF: Ironically, production on a Cthulhu based project can make one go crazy! I unintentionally have a character in the show, as well as write, direct, edit, and grade The Unearthly. It’s a given that a filmmaker wears many hats on their labors of love. Just don’t kill yourself doing literally everything on every production. Filmmaking is truly a collaborative medium. Surround yourself with talented craftspeople. You will thank yourself and be a more effective storyteller in the process!

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
MF: Check out The Unearthly‘s website at http://theunearthlyseries.com and my personal Vimeo site: https://vimeo.com/3rfilmworks/videos for current projects. The Internet Movie Database also lists current projects as well.

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?
MF: What more can I say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project? That it is truly the only venue that is ongoing every third Thursday of every month, where you can see and be and interact with amazing, talented filmmakers! You got to love that!

The Unearthly Episode 1: Missing will screen October 16th at The Emerging Filmmakers Project.


Meet the Filmmaker: Evan Wiley, “Reservoir Rising” (Trailer)

Reservoir Rising (Trailer) | www.reservoirrising.com

CrewQ: Why did you become a filmmaker?
EW: For me, it’s never been about anything but the film. I started as a photographer when I was young and began to interpret the world in a visual way, and began making films with friends. It became a passion, and turned into a profession after that.

Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
EW: We’ll be seeing the trailer for Reservoir Rising which is a movie about fulfillment and decision. It’s funny that you asked what our plans are. We haven’t screened this film elsewhere because we encountered technical difficulties with our project. We have started a crowdfunding campaign so we can finish the project by November.

Q: What else are you working on?
EW: I’m currently in pre-production for a smaller short film, planned to film in November. After that, I will immediately begin seeking funding for the largest of my projects, filming in April of 2015.

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
EW: As a writer and director, my inspiration comes from the world around me in a visual way. I don’t necessarily start a project by thinking of characters and a plot line. For example, I showed a film back in November of last year called The Old Tin Can. This was a silent short film based entirely around a rusty old can I came upon in my garage one day.

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
EW: They can go to my websites where there’s more info about my production company; Venture Compass Pictures, and our current film; Reservoir Rising. www.venturecompasspictures.com and www.reservoirrising.com.

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?
EW: The Emerging Filmmakers Project is a great space for networking and publicity because it’s the central hub for filmmakers in Denver. Everyone knows each other, everybody can share their projects with each other, and everybody can benefit. We’re lucky to have a place like this.

The trailer for Reservoir Rising will screen October 16th at The Emerging Filmmakers Project.