Meet the Filmmakers: Stacy Farrar and Henry Cavalier, “Collision”

Collision was written by actress Stacy Farrar and filmed in collaboration with Henry Cavalier. During filming, Stacy and her young son Ian were tragically murdered. Months later, with permission from her family, the cast and crew of Collision came together and found a way to finish the project in her memory. Through Collision the cast and crew hope to cherish and remember Stacy’s passion for film and acting, as well as honor her memorable impact on our local film community.

Collision will screen Saturday, February 23rd at 8:00 p.m. at The Bug Theatre as part of the Narrative & Documentary Shorts block during the 2019 EFPalooza Film Festival.


Meet the Filmmaker: Henry Cavalier, “Special Delivery”

Q: Why did you become a filmmaker?
HC: My passion for filmmaking began in middle school where I would come up with random stories and tell them to my friends. Apparently they were entertaining because my friends were always asking for more! Near the end of middle school I was introduced to the greatest technological achievement in consumer videography at the time – the Mini DV camera, and I began to record random stories and scenes throughout high school and beyond. To make a long story short, I have always had a desire to tell stories and to make them entertaining. I believe that film is a great medium to visually tell a story and I am blessed that passion has stayed with me through the best and worst of times in my life.

Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
HC: You will be watching Special Delivery, which I consider to be the funniest, cringiest action short film ever shot in Denver. Not all projects filmmakers create come out as intended. Sometimes they turn out to be shit like Special Delivery and we decide to save ourselves from embarrassment and never let anybody see it. I have no future plans for Special Delivery. It’s a flop and not a good representation of my best work, but I hope that other filmmakers can watch it and learn from my mistakes as it’s a great lesson in the filmmaking process. It will live on my hard drive forever after the screening, unless I ever decide to teach at a film school, where it would likely be used as a case study in much of the core curriculum.

Q: What else are you working on?
HC: I am currently putting the finishing touches on a short film that I worked on with the late actress Stacy Farrar. Due to the tragedy of her and her son’s passing occurring after the first day of filming almost 7 months ago, production was instantly halted and it was until only recently that our close cast and crew came together to finish the film in her honor. We hope to screen the film in her and her son’s memory at a future EFP event.

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
HC: My wife says I act a lot like a neurotic Woody Allen or Larry David, and… she’s right!

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
HC: For more information about me and to get in touch regarding production assistance/collaboration, email me at epicskymedia@gmail.com. For information specifically about film scoring, which is something I also specialize in, please visit www.epicharmony.com.

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?
HC: I would like to thank the EFP for giving little-known filmmakers like me a venue for showcasing their work and for supporting local, independent film. I wish I had heard about EFP over 10 years ago! If it weren’t for you, I not only would have had the opportunity to screen my film, but also to network with other like-minded people and see the wonderful talent that Colorado has to offer. Keep it up guys!

Special Delivery will screen at The Emerging Filmmakers Project on Thursday, December 21st at The Bug Theatre.