Meet the Filmmaker – Patrick Jones, “Hitcher”


1597470_579573358793791_1591342206_oQ: Why did you become a filmmaker?

PJ: Growing in the Hollywood Scene since I was 4 years old. I’ve always had appreciate for the industry – working in Film, TV stations and then decided I wanted to see if this is something I could enjoy.

Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?

PJ: What started off as a personal project between two film/tv veterans to screen for our own enjoyment, turned into a great set of people working and enjoying the experience. We have only had a cast and crew screener wrap party. It’s still a personal project to us, so it can either stay as that, or let the river flow with it.

Q: What else are you working on?

PJ: This is will a “Poematic” trilogy. We will be working on the last two shorts this coming up months.

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?

PJ: My signature in Film/TV has been there is always one clip that is shot either backwards, or in post reversed. I will never tell which clip, but it’s just me in my art.

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?

PJ: http://www.HitcherTheMovie.comhttp://www.Facebook.com/HitcherTheMovie

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?

PJ: It’s a great idea, and seems to have a great following. It’ll be great to see what gets submitted into EFP and follow the careers of those submissions.

Hitcher will screen March 20th at The Emerging Filmmakers Project.


March 20th, 2014 Lineup

March 20th at 8:00p.m. $5

Equinox Theatre Company’s Frozen (trailer) – Deb Flomberg (02:00)

Colorado entries for the Dorito’s Crash the Super Bowl Contest
Those Are Nacho Lips – Peter Lively/Nathan “Westlake” Burgun (00:30)
It Runs in the Family – Richard Fleming (00:30)
Let’s Get Cheesy – Kate Lowell (00:30)
Doritos Master – Chuck Fiorella/Jason Coviello (00:30)
Goosey Goosey – Jeff Nicholson (00:30)
Welcome to Heaven – Chuck Fiorella (00:30)
Doritos Dream Ad – Neal Babcock (00:30)
Submit to the Crunch – G. Chris Wiegand (00:30)
What a Dummy – Robert Berg (00:30)

WHO’S BRUCE FLYNN? – Richard Corso (22:00)
Hitcher – Patrick Jones (07:00)
Serene Valley – Justin Lewis/Daniel Ford (13:00)

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