Meet the Filmmaker: Jimmy Lee Combs, “Conflicted: A Gothic Romance”

Jimmy Lee Combs ArtistConflicted: A Gothic Romance | www.heartandfireproductions.com

Q: Why did you become a filmmaker?
JLC: I have always been a huge movie buff and storyteller ever since I was a little kid. The magic of cinema captured my active imagination at a very young age and has stayed with me my whole life. I’m so thankful to my parents for allowing me to watch a wide spectrum of movies growing up. It truly gave me a vast knowledge of films and helped pave the way for my filmmaking career. I love the arts and filmmaking has been a very liberating way for me to share my art with the world.

A huge influence in my life has always been the Rocky movies starring Sylvester Stallone. I can’t tell you enough how many times these movies have pulled me up and made me believe in myself. These movies have given me the courage to go out their and go for it! I highly recommend this amazing saga to everyone, especially filmmakers. Rocky is the symbol for the underdogs of the world and proves if you got the heart and fire and go for your dreams, no matter what, you will always be a winner.

I had the amazing honor of meeting Mr. Stallone (my hero Rocky) back in December of 2006 when I went to an advanced screening of Rocky Balboa with my Dad. Let me tell you, it really changed my life for the better. I was filled with inspiration after talking with Stallone and seeing the movie. It definitely gave me the confidence to get out there and make films.

The older you get, the more of life’s hard knocks you encounter. I have had a lot of bad relationships in my time that have hurt me. Not only has movies and filmmaking helped me coupe with that hurt but also gave me the opportunity to make films that other people in similar situations can relate to. Those films I could identify with such as Rocky in my tough times, really helped me, it felt good to know I could relate to a character or a movie’s story. That has always been another huge reason for me becoming a filmmaker to let my audience know that you are not alone. Hopefully it gives them something they can relate to and take away from some of my films. I’ve had a recent focus on horror films and will continue to make films that are inspirational in some fashion.

Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
JLC: Conflicted: A Gothic Romance will be shown. It tells the story of an unhappily married man who becomes conflicted when he falls for a fascinating woman. Torn between staying committed to a derelict relationship and following his heart, the consequences of his actions sends him spiraling down a path of madness, sorrow and solitude. In a stylized Gothic romance from Heart and Fire Productions. It has screened recently at Galaxyfest in Colorado Springs where it won an award for “Best Arts/Experimental” film. My plans currently are to keep it publicly on my Youtube and Vimeo pages for all to enjoy and I’m sure some can relate to.

Q: What else are you working on?
JLC: Currently writing a feature script for a supernatural action horror western called Spirit Reckoning. I’m billing it as Sergio Leone meets John Woo meet the horror genre. But first up will be short film spin off featuring characters from our feature film Hans Crippleton: Talk to the Hans. Then we have a Horror Anthology in the works; my segment will bring a cool twist to the werewolf genre I think. And at a later date a psychological horror film that is a throw back to the 80s and the video rental stores that peaked in that era. We tend to be very spontaneous as well, so when the urge hits to tell a story, a new film can spark at any time.

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
JLC: I really enjoy dipping my french fries in mustard. A lot of people have told me that’s weird or they start talking like the character Karl Childers from Sling Blade. As far as my films, their is definitely a recurring theme of hearts being ripped out of peoples chests or being represented in a symbolic way. Just hits me every time I’m writing something horror to include a heart. I’ll have to keep doing it, might be like my signature trademark that viewers notice from film to film lol.

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
JLC: www.heartandfireproductions.com www.hanscrippletonmovie.com www.facebook.com/heartandfireproductions https://www.facebook.com/jimmy.lee.792197 and www.facebook.com/hanscrippletonmovie

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?
JLC: EFP is a wonderful organization that has my full support as a filmmaker/actor/screenwriter/producer. Being able to network with peers who all share a love for film and others involved in the indie filmmaking scene in Colorado is invaluable! Not to mention it’s a great outlet for local filmmakers to showcase their hard work whether it be a trailer or a short film. The interaction between audience and filmmaker at the end of each film is one of many highlights at the EFP and of course Patrick Sheridan.

Conflicted: A Gothic Romance will screen April 16th at The Emerging Filmmakers Project.