Meet the Filmmaker: Justin Lewis, “Heer-Oh”

Heer-Oh | www.121studios.net

Meet Justin Lewis.  Justin is a filmmaker and a director and producer for local production company 121Studios, and will be premiering his film Heer-Oh at the January EFP.  Eileen recently sat down with him to discuss the film and the other projects he currently has in the works.

EA: Why did you become a filmmaker?

JL: I love telling stories. As a kid I use to write books and envision them as movies. After realizing the power of visual storytelling, I was determined to make it my career . As a filmmaker I love telling stories that challenge the audience and provoke conversation. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

EA: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?

JL: Heer-Oh was my senior Thesis film at the Colorado Film School. It was made in the Spring of 2012. This will be the first official screening for the film.

EA: What else are you working on?

JL: I am an owner of a local video production company focused on story driven production for Music Video and Film. We have a few music video’s coming up and we are also working on a couple of feature length screenplays.

EA: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?

JL: They can visit my company page at 121studios.net or see more of my work at vimeo.com/justinlewis

EA: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?

JL I love what the Emerging Filmmakers Project is doing in the local Denver film scene. We have a strong film community and with events like these, it will only become stronger. Thanks for the opportunity to screen my film.

Heer-Oh will screen January 16th at The Emerging Filmmakers Project.