Meet the Filmmaker: Kevin R. James, “The Deal”

Q: Why did you become a filmmaker?
KJ: I’ve always had dreams of being in a fantasy world and seeing myself deal with the situations in it, and forming it into my own movie inside my head.  Eventually, I decided that making films was the key to doing that.


Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
KJ: What you’ll be seeing is a short fight scene my friends and I did back when we first tried out some DJI equipment we just bought.   My only plan was to experience this and put it up on Youtube so the people that were a part of it and family/friends could see it.  We had no idea it would get over 2k views.  It has also not been screened at festivals before, this is it’s first.


Q: What else are you working on?
KJ: I’m currently having to deal with the graduation of my Senior year in Highschool.  However, I have planned to shoot many more Action style films this summer as well as Drama scenes.


Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
KJ: The films I’m a part of that are incredibly low budget, are almost always shot in 1 day.  I need to try a  24-hour film festival, lol.


Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and/or your movies?
KJ: Check out my IMDB page  – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm7550144/?ref_=fn_al_nm_4    along with my Website –   https://www.kevinrjames.com/


Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about the Emerging Filmmakers Project?
A: You guys are incredible, I only hear good things about EFP Denver and the Bug Theatre.  Very grateful for the opportunity to have my own work shown there!


“The Deal” will screen at The Emerging Filmmakers Project on Thursday, May 18th at The Bug Theatre.