Meet the Filmmaker: Michael Bliss, “2020 Double Feature V and Lazarus”

EFP: Why did you become a filmmaker?

MB: I started making films at the age of 15 and on my 16th birthday I wrote in my journal that I want to be a director/filmmaker and to always be doing video productions. Through the years I have made that dream a reality by directing many of my own films and working at ABC, FOX, and ESPN, A couple of highlights of my life was working with Robert Rodriquez on the film “The Faculty” and working at an art gallery helping frame artwork for Richard Linklater, and Quentin Tarantino. These three filmmakers have been an inspiration and a big influence in my independent filmmaking career.

EFP: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?

MB: I will be screening a couple short films that I created during the pandemic. This is a premiere screening.

V 2020 I used some footage from the 2019 Zombie Crawl I run in Colorado Springs and footage from the Denver Pavilions on the 16th Street Mall which was all boarded up with no human activity during this crazy time.

Lazarus 2020 uses some Denver footage I shot during the pandemic when everything was shut down. On Easter 2020, I was watching Martin Scorsese’s “The Last temptation of Christ” and saw Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead and that is when the Lazarus character was born for this film. This video was very strange to shoot because it was the first time I left my house in quite a while. We had the stay at home order going on and I was dealing with a lot of fear and anxiety. Making Lazarus 2020 helped me calm down and be creative. Art is very healing. I reached out to Swara Nanda to help me with the soundtrack and I was inspired by Nine Inch Nails (Trent Reznor) 2020 Pandemic Album Ghosts V-VI
so she helped and composed the soundtrack for this film.

EFP: What else are you working on?

MB: Old School Musical “The Worst Musical Ever” I am having so much fun going back to the beginning of making films. Bringing back the passion of filmmaking. Not worrying about what others think because it is the worst musical ever. LOL!!! No expectations just having a blast!!!

EFP: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?

MB: I have dressed up as a clown since I was a little kid. Clown will make an appearance in Old School Musical.

EFP: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?

MB: Blissfest333.com, Michael Bliss on Facebook

EFP: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?

MB: I love and miss Patrick Sheridan. I am so grateful for everybody involved with EFP. Thank you for The Bug Theatre and all the wonderful people that help run EFP. Thank you so much for supporting our film and art commUNITY.

2020 Double Feature V and Lazarus will screen during The Emerging Filmmakers Project on Thursday, October 21st, 2021 at The Bug Theatre.