Meet the Filmmaker: Michael Bliss, “The Rose”

Q: Why did you become a filmmaker?
MB: On my 16th birthday I wrote in my journal that I want to be a Filmmaker and Director. Through the years I have made that dream a reality by working for ABC, FOX, ESPN, and working on many Films and Documentaries. I have also worked for and with many great directors like Robert Rodriquez, Richard Linklater and Quentin Tarantino. Currently I am creating live television shows at Denver Open Media and creating programming for Historic Elitch Theatre and helping with phase 3 of restoring the theatre.

Q: What are we going to see at the Denver Animated Pixelshow? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
MB: The Rose is a story about a lonely rose who ends up in a dream inside of the black hole sun and goes on a journey to find out who the rose really is. A Rose.
Be Real. Be True. Be You!
The rose is dedicated to my wife Bonnie Bliss. She is a rose in my life.
The Rose has screened a few other Film Festivals and is currently airing on television.

Q: What else are you working on?
MB: Blissfest333
A multimedia, Cultural Arts, Film Festival
We are creating unity in our commUNITY, bringing love, peace, harmony and bliss to a festival about creativity and individuality.
I am currently working on many film projects. Here is a few of them.

The Troll This is a story about a troll that gets lost in the city.

ZombieFest II “Sloppy Seconds” The Dead are Alive

333 Degrees
3 stories, 3 minutes long tied all together with a bridge.

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
MB: The number 333 keeps coming up in my life. In one of my first films shot in the 80’s called The Asylum, 3:33pm pops up in the vide for one minute. It was an accident that we hit the button for the time to pop up on the video and now its time stamped on that film forever. 333 means that we are surrounded by Angels.

I love Clowns and one of my earlier films is about a Clown. I dressed up as a Clown last halloween but stayed indoors because I was scared I might get shot.

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
MB: www.blissfest333.org

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about Denver Animated Pixelshow and The Emerging Filmmakers Project?
MB: Thank you, I am truly grateful for EFP and the numerous film festivals they put on every year. This is a great opportunity to get our films screened in a actual theatre and see them on the big screen. It is so great to be able to network with other filmmakers and get to know Denver’s finest talent . Thank you to the Bug theatre and the entire staff who puts on all these events. I am so honored to work with the founder Patrick Sheridan who has been a part of my family’s life and thank you Eileen Agosta the Director of Film Festivals – The Emerging Filmmakers Project. We love you all.

The Rose will screen during the 6:00pm block at the 2017 Denver Animated Pixelshow on Sunday, October 15th at The Bug Theatre.