Meet the Filmmaker: Noah Mittman, “Don’t Help Me, Help the Bear”

Don’t Help Me, Help the Bear | Facebook.com/OfficialSnowmanFilms

Meet Noah Mittman.  Noah is a local filmmaker who last screened at The Emerging Filmmakers Project in August, where he showed Your Own Medicine – Behind The Scenes, a piece documenting the creation of the Your Own Medicine – One Man Show music video.  Eileen spoke with him in advance of his next screening at the October EFP, where he’ll be showing a music video called Don’t Help Me, Help the Bear.

EA: Why did you become a filmmaker?

NM: I have been in love with films since I can remember. Going to the movies was always a treat for me as a child and I didn’t have a tv growing up so every time I got in front of a screen I was glued. I remember seeing my first behind the scenes featurette with a helicopter dropping off the side of a building and I thought, this is what I want to do with my life. I got my first mini dv camcorder junior year of high school and now here I am. I feel very blessed to be able to call this my profession.

EA: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?

NM: I am showing “Don’t Help Me, Help The Bear”. Its a ridiculous and funny music video I was hired to make for the band Kitty Tooth Salad. A man fights a bear in the woods, enough said haha. It has screened at Open Screen Night and The Indie Film Underground V Festival. I would like to submit it to other festivals and see where it goes from there.

EA: What else are you working on?

NM: I am currently working on a clothing/action sports commercial for Brave American Hero, I just finished my newest parkour film entitled Never Broken, a few stunt projects with my talented team Punch Drunk Action Services, and lots of content for the new parkour/circus/stunt/dance gym I am a part of, Urban Acrobatics.

EA: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?

NM: In the spirit of the halloween EFP, I am terrified of snakes. Probably shouldn’t keep telling people that.

EA: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?

NM: I am very active on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Vimeo. Facebook.com/OfficialSnowmanFilms Instagram: @noah_mittman Youtube.com/TheSnowmanFilms Vimeo.com/SnowmanFilms

EA: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?

NM: I love EFP. You guys allow the talent in Colorado to have a place to show our work and that is invaluable. The Q&A after connects us filmmakers with our audience and that is a needed gift of feedback so we can better ourselves. Its always a fun night with lots of laughs, not to mention free beer(well done).

Don’t Help Me, Help The Bear will screen October 17th at The Emerging Filmmakers Project.