Meet the Filmmaker: Wendy Duncan, “Clark’s Edible Cupcake Liners”

Wendy Head shotClark’s Edible Cupcake Liners

Q: Why did you become a filmmaker?
WD: I became a filmmaker because I love telling stories, and telling stories through video and film allows me to create intimate moments between the story, the characters and the audience.

Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
WD: This weekend everyone will get to see a funny informational spot for Clark’s Edibles Cupcake Liners.

Clark’s Edibles screened at EFP last year and once the product is ready for distribution the piece will air on TV and the internet.

Q: What else are you working on?
WD: Right now I am working on a few different projects. 1 full feature, 1 made for TV movie and a couple of commercials. The most important job I have right now is raising my two kids. 🙂

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
WD: This may seem weird to some people but for me it is a blessing. My best friend, Jane Mora, is one of the most creative and imaginative people I know, and she is always used either in front or behind the camera on all my projects.

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
WD: My website is a work in progress right now. The best way to keep in touch with me is through FB.

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?
WD: I greatly appreciate what EFP does for the film community. It is a wonderful avenue for filmmakers and aspiring filmmakers to get their pieces seen without a fee, receive valuable feed back form professionals in the industry, and meet new talented and creative people that live in our state and want to work.

Clark’s Edibles Cupcake Liners will screen January 17th at 5:00 p.m. during EFPalooza 2015 at The Bug Theatre.