Meet the Filmmaker: Rion Smith, “Kutkh”

Q: Why did you become a filmmaker?
RS: To tell stories and build worlds.

Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
RS: Kutkh – an old Norse Raven God arises after being summoned!

Q: What else are you working on?
RS: Building a whole monster world.

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
RS: I can speak Mayan – product of the peace corps, and usually use some of it in my movies.

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
RS: Youtube.com/creepytvchannel

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?
RS: You guys kick ass!!!

Kutkh will screen at The Emerging Filmmakers Project on Thursday, June 20th at The Bug Theatre.


Meet the Filmmaker: Rion Smith, “Rebeccah’s Statement”

Q: Why did you become a filmmaker?
RS: Because I love telling stories and am a visual person.

Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
RS: It is scheduled to show in Portland Oregon at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival Oct 5, so this will be the second showing on the big screen.

Q: What else are you working on?
RS: Another Lovecraft adaption, but told from the monster’s point of view.

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
RS: I can speak Mayan. Seriously.

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
RS: Search my name on youtube, I’m the only Rion Smith.

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?
RS: Love you guys!

Rebeccah’s Statement will screen at The Emerging Filmmakers Project on Thursday, October 18th at The Bug Theatre.


Meet the Filmmaker: Rion Smith, “Haint County”

Q: Why did you become a filmmaker?
RS: To make movies! I’m a visual person and I love storytelling so film seemed like a natural medium for me.

Q: What are we going to see at the EFP? Has it screened elsewhere and what are your plans for it?
RS: It is currently running the festival circuit and on Oct 20 will be shown at the Dicken’s Theater in Longmont.

Q: What else are you working on?
RS: I am working on a Lovecraft inspired short right now, about to begin shooting in the next 10 days.

Q: Tell us one weird thing about you and/or your movies?
RS: My movies are often monster movies and I often build my own props. I rarely get rid of them which means at my house, I have a 6 ft tentacle, several articulated skeletons, 2 full sized aliens, a full sized out house, coffin, gas pump, more monster costumes and masks then I can count, several civil war uniforms and muskets, many skulls of different animals and monsters – the list goes on.

Q: Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
RS: You tube search my name. I am the first and only (?) Rion Smith and all my work is linked under that profile.

Q: Is there anything you’d like to say about The Emerging Filmmakers Project?
RS: I love you guys and love submitting to you! I am excited to see my stuff on the big screen and excited to support such an awesome project. 🙂

Haint County will screen at The Emerging Filmmakers Project on Thursday, October 19th at The Bug Theatre.